Hostels in Egypt Hostels in Egypt

You are looking for hostels in Egypt? Good news, you have come to the right place.

On this page we list every single city with hostels and other budget accommodations. helps you to find your Egypt hostel and compare its prices on the major booking sites such as Hostelworld, Hostelsclub and So you can sleep on a budget and save money while backpacking Egypt.

All Cities in Egypt

We list every single hostel in Egypt and the world. In total, we have 19 cities in Egypt for you. Please note that not all cities actually have a hostel to stay in. Below you can filter for cities with hostels and with no hostels-type accommodation, but guesthouses and budget hotels. This will help your planning.

All Egypt hostels on a map

Alright, you are more the visual type? Planning your trip with a map is always handy.

Therefore, this map shows you all cities with hostels in Egypt. It will help you to plan your trip. Just zoom in the map and click your destination for more details. Just so you know: If we do not have a hostel in a city, it is likely that there is no hostel in that city.

Our handwritten guide on Backpacking Egypt

Who has not been dreaming of visiting the pyramids and the Sphinx? You can find them in Egypt, a fascinating country in the north of Africa. Here you can find magnificent ancient sites, but you could as well enjoy a beach holiday and go diving in the Red Sea.

All the big cities, and pretty much all places worth visiting in Egypt, concentrate around the Nile river, so it is easy to plan your trip around the country. Long distance buses run frequently between the city, and since travellers normally travel the same route, it is likely that you will meet the same travellers several times.

You can find a bunch of hostels in each of the big cities on the Nile river. Travelling in Egypt is cheap compared to travelling in Europe, North America, and sub-Saharan Africa. Egypt is one of the cheapest countries to travel in the world. Hostels in Egypt are also cheap, and for only a few dollars, you can book a dorm bed in a nice hostel. Due to the increasing unrest in surrounding countries, the popularity of Egypt as a travel destination has decreased, so hostels may not be as crowded as they once were. However, the travellers that you meet are typically more adventurous, have travelled all over the world, and have many great stories to tell.

Apart from the cities on the Nile river, the Sinai region is worth visiting. Most of the region is deserted, but you can find many resorts on the south coast in cities such as Sharm El-Sheikh and Dahab. The region is a hotspot for diving. Unfortunately, the Sinai region is suffering from a lot from terrorist attacks for a few years and travelling to this region is currently discouraged. However, travelling the route along the Nile is pretty safe, although incidents can of course always happen. If you want to spend time on the beach, then travelling to Hurghada is a better option.

Most travellers arrive to Egypt through Cairo Airport. Cairo is not just the Egyptian capital, it is also a vibrant metropole with beautiful Islamic architecture, many coffee shops where you can smoke shisha, and street food stalls where you can get a shawarma or falafel. However, Cairo’s main attraction are the world famous Giza Pyramids.

Luxor should also be included in each visit to Egypt. Luxor translates into ‘palaces,' which already gives away why Luxor is worth visiting. Ancient temples, royal tombs, and beautiful scenery makes stopping in Luxor for a few days a must. Do not just stay in the city, but go out and explore the desert too!

Aswan is another ancient city worth visiting, but quieter than Cairo and Luxor. You can travel by road between Aswan and Luxor, but a more exciting way is to take a two-day cruise on the Nile river. During these two days, you will be treated with beautiful scenery from the boat.

In the opposite direction from Cairo, you can find the city of Alexandria. It is a nice city on the Mediterranean Sea and the second largest city in Egypt. A few centuries ago, Alexandria was a glorious cosmopolitan. Although Alexandria does not have the same status now as back then, it is still a pleasant city to spend a few days, with quite a few sites to see from the Roman Empire.

Despite the increasing terrorism threat in the Middle East, the Nile route is quite safe, and here you can find one of the best ancient sites in the world. Do not hesitate, you will enjoy travelling around Egypt.

expert for Egypt hostels

Handwritten by local expert for Egypt hostels Martin Straatman


Travel Tips for Egypt - from the Community

Hey fam! Here are a few more tips from the community, from them to you, and you to them. This space is dedicated for travellers to share their best tips on backpacking Egypt. Have a closer look - the Hostelz community share real hidden gems, insider knowledge and overall impressions of Egypt. Everyone is welcome to add something useful, funny, unexpected and the "absolutely necessary to know before you go" - share, share and then share a little more!

FAQ on Hostels in Egypt

There is a lot of travel planning to do. So let us help you once again by putting together the frequently asked questions:

Finding Hostels and Prices

What hostel booking sites are best to use?

There is several hostel booking sites, such as, and While every platform has its pros and cons, there is a universal truth you as a traveler should be aware of: Not a single booking site can always offer the best prices.

This is where comes in. You can compare all major booking portals with one click.

For you as a traveler, is the best booking site to actually save money.

How much are hostels in Egypt?

Prices always vary, depending on various factors. Weekends tend to be more expensive, same goes for special holidays. Please also take into account local vaction time.

You can search for exacty hostel prices in Egypt here on Pick your destination and pick a date. The system will track down the prices to give an idea of what budget and prices you can expect.

When to book hostels?

If you want to stay at the best hostels, it is a good idea to have your hostel booked around 1 month before you travel. For the regular hostels, booking one week before should be okay. Yet again, this always depends.

We dedicated a full article to the topic of when to book hostels.


Safety and Packing

Are hostels in Egypt safe?

Generally speaking, hostels are as safe as you make them. We highly recommend always to bring your own padlock, using the lockers and taking care of your belongings. Make sure you pick a safe hostel, offering lockers and a safe location. Please always pay attention to the reviews; they can give you a great insight on what to expect and safety tips.

What to pack when staying in hostels?

There is a few basics you should always pack when staying in hostels.

  1. Padlock
  2. Earplugs
  3. Sleeping Mask
  4. Quick Dry Travel Towel
  5. Head Lamp

There is more actually. We wrote a complete guide with more details. Read our full hostel packing list.

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