Getting there by bus Bus 19 & 22 from Valletta Directions from Airport Go to Marsa, and look out for signs FGURA,THE THREE CITIES. Go straight uphill along dual carriageway past a long school complex and the a big church (on your left) facing a mosque . At the big roundabout continue going straight (no turning) till you reach a second roundabout. Negotiate it at right angles to your right, keeping to main road signposted FGURA. Drive straight along (no turnings), past an old stone archway called Hompesch Gate into ZABBAR. Past a large petrol station on your left, continue straight on for a few hundred yards. Drive slowly now looking ahead for the sign M'SCALA. turn RIGHT at the sign and proceed all the way on the main road to MARSACALA. As you reach the Bay a welcome sight will greet you