• From the Cancun International Airport by bus:
• Arriving at the international airport of Cancun, you can take a direct bus to the city of Valladolid. It is also possible to arrive by direct bus from the city of Merida, each one at one hour and a half distance. Once arriving at the bus station, walk part of the main park of the city, go south on the street 40, advance 4 blocks and arrive at the park and the church of San Juan, the Hostel is located on 49th Street -A, right next to the church.
• From the Main Park of the city by car or taxi:
• From the main park of the city on the street 42 you advance 4 blocks and turn left on the street 49, go 2 blocks and turn right on the street 38-A and on the next block turn right on the 49-A Street and advance only a few meters.