• Take water bus number 1 or 2 direction Rialto
• Exit at Rialto. Cross over the Rialto Bridge , walk straight on towards the Fish Market situated in Campo de le Beccarie .
• Once arrived here cross the small bridge (Ponte de le Beccarie ) and in front of you will be a tight street.
• Go straight on and turn the first right.
• You will see the name of the B&B written on the door bell
• From the Marco Polo AIRPORT
• Take bus no 5 directly to Venice- P.le Roma.
• From here take water bus number 1 or 2 direction Rialto.
• Exit at Rialto. Cross over the Rialto bridge, walk straight on towards the Fish Market situated in Campo de le Beccarie .
• Once arrived here cross the small bridge (Ponte de le Beccarie ) and in front of you will be a tight street.
• Go straight on and turn the first right.
• You will see the name of the B&B written on the door bell