• Exit the Genova Porta Principe Train Station and turn right at the end of the big turning circle (where the buses stop) into Via A.Doria (you will see the street sign on the walls). Then just keep following Via A.Doria straight until after Palazzo del Principe. Palazzo del Principe might not be clearly marked, but you just keep following the same road as it makes a big curve to the left after the bus stop (ignore the small street that goes up to your right). After a few more minutes walking you will be in Via Buozzi. Find number 18 (right after the Pizzeria) and ring the bells B&B once and wait for someone to let you in. The walk will take about 10 minutes, or take Bus 20 or 30 (2 stops) (see the Map on the website)
• By car - the exit of the motorway nearby us is Genova-OVEST (about 800mt).