• How many minutes by car from the airport (or by walking if close by): 34minutes by car
• Most convenient way to get from the airport to PH Hostel (taxi, uber, shuttle, bus etc), please indicate the process to take this transport, time it takes and price (location within the airport, etc): Taxi, Uber or train (Northen train straight from Manchester Airport station to Manchester Picadilly station. From there it's a 11min walk to the location)
• What are the most convenient ways to travel from there? Air, bus, train?: Train - 30min
• By public transportation
• Name of the main bus/train terminal closest to the PH Hostel location: Train terminal - Manchester Victoria and Manchester Picadilly
• Name the 3 most important routes that arrive to that terminal: Manchester- London Euston / Manchester - Newcastle / Manchester - Liverpool
• Around how much the routes mentioned above cost:
• How many minutes from the terminal to PH Hostel by car: Manchester Victoria - 7min by car / Manchester Picadilly - 8min by car
• Most convenient way to get from the terminal to PH Hostel and how much does it cost: Walk or uber (3min)