Gucumatz Lakeside Inn, Flores

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Location and Contact


The best way to get to Gucumatz is by land. From the bus terminal ('La Tranca') in Santa Elena, next to Flores, you can catch a bus that runs to the village of San Pedro several times a day and will drop you off at the entrance of the hotel. You can also take a bus to San Andres or San Jose and a Tuk-Tuk from there to the hotel. However, it would be more convenient to have your own vehicle to cover the distance more comfortably, about 35 minutes from Flores. We also offer the possibility of an airport transfer, up to a maximum of 4 tourists at the airport for a small fee, if you request this service at the time of booking.

Facilities and Amenities

Party Hostel

Youth Hostel




Wi-Fi in Lobby/Commons

Airport Pickup

Luggage Storage

BBQ Grill


Board Games


Hot Showers


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