Ocean Inn Rio Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro

1 Reviews

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Ocean Inn Rio Botafogo Reviews

Location and Contact


• Directions
• From the International Airport (Galeão):
• Take the bus from the company 'Real' that goes to Copacabana (cost R$ 8 reais) and ask the driver to drop you at the last stop of Botafogo beach in front of Mourisco building (a big mirror-building). Facing against the ocean having Mourisco on your left you'll see a car overpass, after you go under the overpass you will be in “Prof. Álvaro Rodrigues street”, keep going straight and the 4th street on the right is “Paulo Barreto”. The hostel is on Paulo Barreto 63 we are neighboor of a bar called Cabidinho
• From the Domestic Airport (Santos-Dumont):
• Take any of the following buses, 404, 413, 415 or 455 (cost R$ 2,50 reais) that goes to aterro do Flamengo and ask the driver to drop you at the last stop of Botafogo beach in front of Mourisco building (a big mirror-building). Facing against the ocean, having Mourisco on your left you'll see a car overpass, after you go under the overpass you will be in “Prof. Álvaro Rodrigues street”, keep going straight and the 4th street on the right is “Paulo Barreto”. The hostel is on Paulo Barreto 63 we are neighboor of a bar called Cabidinho.
• From the Central Bus Station (Rodoviária) there are 2 options:
• First option
• Get the bus 127 or 128 and ask the driver to drop you at the last stop of Botafogo beach in front of Mourisco building (a big mirror-building). Facing against the ocean having Mourisco on your left you'll see a car overpass, after you go under the overpass you will be in “Prof. Álvaro Rodrigues street”, keep going straight and the 4th street on the right is 'Paulo Barreto'. The hostel is on Paulo Barreto 63, we are neighboor of a bar called Cabidinho.
• Second Option
• Get the bus 136, 170, 172 or 178 and drop on the 2nd. bus
• stop of 'São Clemente Street' (right after 'Casa de Rui Barbosa'), take '19 de Fevereiro Steet' cross 'Voluntários da Pátria Street', walk half a block to get to 'Paulo Barreto Street' 63. The hostel is neighbor of a bar called Cabidinho.

Facilities and Amenities


Wi-Fi in Lobby/Commons

Lockers in Lobby

Air Conditioning


Cable TV

Concierge/Info Desk

Credit Card Payments

Currency Exchange

Hot Showers

Lounge Area

Curfew: No Curfew

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